Friday, March 8, 2013

Distorted Shape Inside The 'Original Shape'

May the peace and blessings of Almighty God be upon you.

Consider a scenario in which the tail of an elephant is cut, fitted it to a monkey and the public is attracted by the deception that there is an elephant sitting on a tree

• Here the public viewers of this scene are not fools themselves but they are dumped to believe that there are elephants that can climb upon a tree and can sit on the branches of a tree!

• Here the public viewers of this scene are not fools themselves but they are dumped to believe that there are trees that can host elephants on its branches!

Such is the case of the movie named 'Vishwaroopam'. The movie has cut a couple of symbols of Islam and fitted it to what they call, terrorism. 

People who cannot be dumped by this kind of act can easily identify that the one who is sitting on the tree is actually a monkey fitted with the tail of an elephant. 

But people who are dumped by this act is deceived to believe that the one who is sitting on the tree is actually an elephant.

The makers of this kind of depiction argue that they are showing how a monkey misuses the tail of an elephant. But in fact, they are dumping the image of an elephant sitting on a tree by the means of its tail.

The makers of this film argue that they are showing how Islam is misused by terrorists. But in fact, the film is dumping a distorted view of Islam by the means of context stripping.

• Not a single alphabet in Tamil Language has two dots on it and yet, the depiction of the name of this film has more than two such letters on it! 

• On the other hand, the Arabic language has more than two such alphabets that have two dots on it. The font used for the title depicts its title look like an Arabic word.

From the depiction of the very name of this film, there is a concerted effort to distort the teachings of Islam. A film that is taken in the name of the so called War-On-Terror is literally painting a terrible picture of some of the most holly signs of Islam.

Deception - 1

Background of a Mosque & Execution of a Man

In one of the scene, it shows the minaret of a Mosque followed by the hanging of a man by a group of people such as terrorists, well within premises of a Mosque and by chanting a Quranic verse. 

• The scene is inducing a notion into the mindset of audience that the Mosque has some 'role' in it and that the Quranic verse calls for it!.

Suppose an Australian film maker depicts the killing of Graham Staines, within the premises of Supreme Court of India by chanting its motto.

A person having a reasonable understanding of the case clearly knows how Mr. Graham Staines and family were brutally burned to death by some extremists elements. 

• The mass majority of Australians who don't know for what the court stands for and who don't know the meaning of its motto, might conclude that Supreme Court Of India supports such activities and its motto calls for it! What a shame.

Here the film depicts the hanging of a man within the premises of a Mosque. A person having a reasonable understanding about a Mosque and the Quranic verse, will have a clear picture on for what a Mosque stands for and what the Quranic verse says. 

• The mass majority of the spectators who don't know the for what a Mosque stands for and who don't know the context and the meaning of the Quranic verse, might conclude that a Mosque supports such activities and the Quranic verse calls for it!

A Mosque primarily stands for The Worship of The Creator, without any man made materials. A Mosque servers as a resort for comforting the problems of people within its reach.

"In houses (Mosques) which Allah has ordered to be raised, in them His Name is remembered. Therein glorify Him in the mornings and in the evenings." - Quran 24:36

Supreme Court of India stands for the Justice of People of India.

"Yatho dharma statho jaya.

This is the motto that India's supreme authority for justice has carved on its emblem. It means "Where there is righteousness, there is victory". 

Any depiction of either the two should depict for what they really stands for. It should NOT be depicted by the way of someone who misuses it. 

• A person who doesn't know the use of these entities, will treat its misuse as its use!

Deception - 2

What if the Australian film maker depicts Mr. Dara Singh chanting the caption of Supreme Court Of India, during when he burned Mr Graham Staines  and family ? Is this what we call freedom of expression ?

Suppose the Australian movie director depicts Dara Singh who chants "Yatho dharma statho jaya." and burns Mr Graham Staines and his family!

• What conclusion, an Australian gets from these kind of distortion ?

Now, coming to what this Movie has done with the Quranic verse 3:182The movie has depicted terrorists reciting the verses such as the following, before executing any terror strike. 

"<cut cutThis is because of that which your hands have sent before you ... <cut cut>" - Quran 3:182

The movie has done three kinds of distortions with the above Quranic verse.

A. The verse is distorted by 'meaningfully' cutting its Left

The verse that is 'meaningfully' cut left is given below.

"Indeed, Allah has heard the statement of those who say: "Truly, Allah is poor and we are rich!'' We shall record what they have said and their killing of the Prophets unjustly, and  We shall say: "Taste torment of the burning (Fire). " Quran 3:181

In this verse, Almighty God is severely condemning the wicked and cowardice actions of The Children Of Israel.  The Jewish people during the time of prophet Mohammed, expressed their contempt by saying that Almighty God is poor(!). 

It has been the stubborn nature of the The Children Of Israel that they used to ridicule the  messengers of Almighty God. They even killed His messengers unjustly.  

Because of these kinds of acts, those people will be put in the Hell fire in the Hereafter and Almighty God will then say to them - "Taste torment of the burning (Fire)."

Those people will be put into the Hell fire because of what they did with their hands (such as killing of prophet of God). That's what the following verse says -

"This is because of that which your hands have sent before you. ..." - Quran 3:182

• The verse that Almighty God will speak to the dwellers of Hell fire in the Hereafter, is represented by this movie as what a terrorist say, before he executes an attack in this world!

• The verse really represents an incident that is going to come on The Day of Resurrection. But the movie misrepresents this verse as that of the chant of a terrorist in this world!

B.  The verse is recited by completely cutting its Right

"This is because of that which your hands have sent before you. And certainly, Allah is never unjust to (His) servants." - Quran 3:182

The second sentence is the completely right cut part of the verse. It says Almighty God is never unjust to His servants, in any manner. 

• The movie has represented the context stripped and partially cut part of the verse so as to create a feeling that the verse calls for the executions that is being carried out by  terrorists!

In fact, the verse connotes that Almighty God will punish the sinners and will reward the good people. 

- If a man is punished by Almighty God in the hereafter then it is because of what all bad things he did in this world.

- If a man is rewarded by Almighty God in the hereafter then it is because of what all good things he have done in this world.

C. The Quranic verse is completely taken out of the context.

When a Judge from Supreme Court of India chants its motto "Where there is righteousness, there is victory" during the execution of a criminal, it is meaningful.

• When a person like Dara Singh chants the motto of Supreme Court of India during when he physically burns and kills persons such as Graham Staines, what does it mean ?

The movie has done the same thing with the meaning and the context of the above Quranic verse 3:182.

Deception - 3

Misuse of a great saying 'Allahu Akbar' i.e. Almighty God is Great

Previously we saw how a great saying 'Maa Shaa Allah' was misused by the killers of a political figure. Here again, another great saying 'Allahu Akbar' is misused by this movie.

Suppose the Australian film maker depicts Dara Singh in one of his phone call. Dara Singh is shown to have saying "Satyameva Jayate" i.e. "Truth Alone Triumphs" before and after making a phone call. 

• An Australian who doesn't know the meaning of 'Satyameva Jayate' concludes that it is a chanting used by criminals before they execute their mission! What a shame.

The movie has depicted the terrorists saying the saying 'Allaahu Akbar' before and after they make a telephone call. 

• Any person who doesn't know the meaning of 'Allahu Akbar' concludes that it is a chanting used by terrorists before they execute their mission! What a shame.

India has imprinted the saying "Satyameva Jayatein its National Emblem; it has its meaning and actions. Islam has imprinted many sayings such as "Allaahu Akbar" in its belief and practice; it has its meaning and actions.

Five times a day, the call to prayer from Mosques begin with 'Allaahu Akbar'. 
- Five times a day, a believer starts his Namaz with  'Allaahu Akbar'.
- Throughout the Namaz, a believer says 'Allaahu Akbar'.
- During the days of two Eids (festivals), a believer says 'Allaahu Akbar'.
- Whenever a believer is wondered by the Signs of Almighty God, he says 'Allaahu Akbar'.

The saying 'Allaahu Akbar' i.e. 'Almighty God is Great' is for Glorifying the Creator of the Universe. The saying has great impact between the Creator and His creations.

The meaning and actions of 'Allaahu Akbar' is broad. It has nothing to do with the actions of puny humans; it has great things to do between the Creator and His creation.

Among other things, there are many socio and political distortions done by this movie. This article has only done a little attempt to bring-out the scriptural distortions inside the movie. 



  1. This is about Afghan terrorists ans Talibans and not islam, dear fellow... Are you their supporter? If not try correcting the.... Vishwaroopam is describing them, not Islam.. what they do, not what muslims do... Go and check...

  2. Dear Hindu Dharma

    Thanks for your comments.

    The focus of the article to explain how the doctrines of Islam are misrepresented under the pretext of depicting terrorism. A terrorist has no religion, be it an American terrorist or an Afghan terrorist. The biggest terrorists are those who massively produce and sell weapons, round the world.

    To your question, there is one answer.

    "if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind." - Quran 5:32.
