Friday, June 21, 2024

The Shot Heard Around The World

The Shot Heard Around The World

A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to visit the Boston Tea Party site in the heart of Boston.

The historical storyboards there reminded me of the struggle for freedom.

As an Indian from the Malabar region of Kerala, the stories of the fight for freedom and independence are deeply ingrained in me, just as they are for millions of fellow Indians. Events like the Wagon Tragedy and the Malabar Rebellion are unforgettable episodes in our tremendous struggle for freedom.
The United States of America has its own parallel in the American Revolution, which is taught in middle schools to ensure that the emerging generation is aware of the struggles and battles that led to American independence. This brings us to the significance of the event famously known as "The Shot Heard Around The World," which is also depicted in the Boston Tea Party site's historical records.

Today, as I reflect on these events, I am reminded of the ongoing struggle of the Indigenous Palestinian people for freedom. Much like the renowned "Shot Heard Around The World," the shots and blasts heard from the land of Palestine, especially Gaza, resonate similarly.

The question, "Do you support Hxmxs?" widely circulated by Piers Morgan, is, to me, the ugliest and most obscene political question I have ever encountered. Resistance to occupation and intimidation is an inherent trait of any being, especially a human being. When a human or an animal is backed against a wall and its neck is being squeezed, it will respond, sometimes fiercely. It is shameful and abhorrent to denounce and criminalize the fierce response, some of which one may not agree with, while completely disregarding the fact that the person has been held against the wall and squeezed for decades.

Boston was under the siege of the British. Brave Bostonians formed what is referred to as The Minutemen mentioned in the storyboard. The Minutemen were a specialized group of colonial militia members during the American Revolutionary War who were known for their rapid readiness to fight. Captain John Parker who was born in Massachusetts and who is known for his leadership during the Battles of Lexington and Concord said to the Minutemen - "Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here."

What is seen in the streets of Gaza in Palestine echoes Captain John Parker's command. Palestinians, fueled by their determination, began to stand their ground and resist.

The shots heard in Palestine today echo those fired during the American Revolutionary War

The Palestinians fighting against occupation are patriots, just as those who fought in the American Revolution became Revolutionary War patriots.

The massacre of Palestinians today mirrors the tragic events of the Boston Massacre, where Bostonians were unjustly killed, reflecting a similar brutality faced by those who stand against oppression and subjugation.

Abu Abdul Mannaan

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid

The narrative often promoted by mainstream media presents Israel as the leading democracy in the Middle East, despite its apartheid-like structure. When a regime practices apartheid, it contradicts the principles of democracy, redefining itself not as a democratic entity, but simply as an apartheid system.

Jimmy Carter, the former US President, wrote a book titled "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid." The title itself reveals the essence of an apartheid system, as Carter illuminates and underscores the nature of a regime that mirrors nothing short of an apartheid state.

"When I met with Yasir Arafath in 1990, he stated, "The PLO has never advocated the annihilation of Israel. The Zionists started the 'drive the Jews into the sea' slogan and attributed it to the PLO. In 1969 we said we wanted to establish a democratic state where Jews, Christians, and Muslims can all live together. The Zionists said they do not choose to live with any people other than Jews....". - Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid by Jimmy Carter.

It's evident who strongly opposed coexistence and moved toward establishing an autocratic apartheid state. It reveals the fabrication of racist statements, often attributed to opponents to smear their reputation in the public eye. Today's mainstream media frequently engages in this practice.

"Although Christian and Muslim Arabas had continued to live in this same land since Roman times, they had no real commitment to establish a separate and independent nation. Their concern was with family and tribe and, for the Muslims, the broader world of Islam.Strong ideas of nationhood began to take shape among the Arabs only when they saw increasing numbers of Zionists immigrate to Palestine, buying tracts of land for permanent homes with the goal of establishing their own nation." - Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid by Jimmy Carter.

Muslims and Christians coexisted in Palestine since the Roman Empire without experiencing division or aspirations to establish a nation limited to a specific religion. Carter highlights that Muslims were the ones who notably treated Jews far better when they were expelled from Christian lands.

"Despite their remarkable contributions in all aspects of society, many Jews were killed and others driven from place to place by Christian rulers. Although not given the same rights as Muslims, both Christians and Jews who lived in Islamic countries then fared better than non-Christians in Christendom" - Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid by Jimmy Carter.

In his book, former President Jimmy Carter explains the rationale behind the fair treatment of Jews and Christians -

"Because the Prophet Muhammad commanded his followers to recognize the common origins of their faith through Abraham, to honor their prophets, and to protect their believers." - Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid by Jimmy Carter.

In stark contrast to the fair treatment of Jews in Muslim countries, Carter recounts in his book the unequal treatment of Palestinians by Israeli authorities, depicting a situation where Palestinians were treated as less than human. His firsthand experience might explain why the book is titled "Peace Not Apartheid."

At the end of the book, Carter emphasizes the essential necessity for peace like this -

"The bottom line is this: peace will come to Israel and the Middle East only when the Israeli government is willing to comply with international law, the Roadmap for Peace, official American policy, the wishes of the majority of its own citizens, and honor its own previous commitments—by accepting its legal borders." - Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid by Jimmy Carter.

As someone once remarked, fixating on a solitary pixel of an image, making assumptions, and reacting impulsively is unjust. An image contains thousands of pixels. Stepping back from that single pixel allows you to see the entire picture, grasping what's known as the bigger picture.
The mainstream media and their influential platforms are attempting to magnify ​couple of pixel​s in the seventy-five years of Palestine's history. This approach is unfair and unjust to the entirety of history. Examining the complete picture will reveal who has consistently impeded a peaceful two-state solution and, consequently, peace.

Let's turn the title of this book into a catchy slogan​ - Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid.

Abu Abdul Mannaan

Sunday, October 22, 2023

A Community with Significant Semitic Heritage

It's unfortunate that civic protests against the oppressive and inhumane policies of Israel's apartheid regime against the Palestinian Muslims are unjustly labeled as anti-Semitism.

It is interesting to see that the Islamic doctrine carries a significant Semitic heritage, as it is elucidated in the Quranic verses and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

The Quran highlights the Pharaoh (Fir'aun in Arabic) of Egypt as the paramount oppressor and an extremely arrogant autocratic ruler. He subjected the children of Israel to prolonged enslavement and oppression. Within its historical narrative, the Quran emphasizes the profound suffering endured by the Children of Israel.

"Remember how We delivered you from the people of Pharaoh, who afflicted you with dreadful torment, slaughtering your sons and keeping your women. That was a severe test from your Lord." - Quran 2:49.

This verse serves as a reminder of the trials they faced and the divine intervention that ultimately led to their liberation through the Prophet Moses (Musa) peace be upon him. The context of this verse is an important part of the broader narrative about the Israelites and their journey to freedom, as described in the Quran.

Muslims around the world regularly reflect on this narrative as a guiding lesson in their sermons, particularly during Friday sermons. They emphasize the importance of placing trust in Almighty God and avoiding the arrogance and oppression exemplified by Pharaoh and his followers.

It could provoke either a paradoxical reaction or surprise that Muslims also commemorate the Children of Israel's liberation from Pharaoh's oppression through an annual two-day fast during the Islamic month of Muharram. This practice persists, even as Palestinian Muslims confront ongoing blatant injustice in the name of Israel!

The story of the wife of Pharaoh in the Quran serves as another powerful illustration of how faith and righteousness can prevail even in the most challenging and oppressive circumstances. It encourages believers to remain steadfast in their faith and to seek God's guidance and protection.

Remarkably, within the two role models offered to the community of believers, one of them happens to be the wife of Pharaoh. She professed her faith in the oneness of God, acknowledged Moses (Musa), peace be upon him, as a messenger of God, and rejected the notion that Pharaoh himself was a deity.

"And Allah presents an example of those who believed: the wife of Pharaoh, when she said, 'My Lord, build for me near You a house in Paradise and save me from Pharaoh and his deeds and save me from the wrongdoing people.'" - Quran 66:11-12.

It is part of the prophetic teachings that the wife of Pharaoh endured harsh torture under the sun. When Pharaoh concluded the torment, angels would provide her shade with their wings, and she was granted a vision of her heavenly abode. There is also an account of Pharaoh sending his aides to her with a directive to locate the largest stone. They were instructed to cast the stone upon her if she persisted in her faith, but if she renounced it, she would remain his wife. When they approached her, she gazed up at the sky and beheld her home in Paradise. She steadfastly adhered to her faith, and her soul was then taken from her as the stone was hurled upon her lifeless body.

Once more, it may come as a surprise that Islamic beliefs feature two distinctive personalities, one exemplifying extreme arrogance and the other being among the two most revered figures, both intricately tied to the narrative of the Children of Israel.

​It is imperative to acknowledge that, even in the face of the decades of inhumane treatment of Palestinian Muslims by the Israeli regime, we, as Muslims, remain unwavering in our connection to the lineage of the Children of Israel. We are determined not to follow in the footsteps of the preceding generations that distorted divine guidance ​a​ccording to their whims, and subsequently faced the consequences of divine judgment. Instead, we are wholeheartedly dedicated to safeguarding this heritage until our very last breath.

Abu Abdul Mannaan
Not in the Name of Israel

The name "Israel" holds great reverence in both the glorious Quran and prophetic teachings.
Muslims acknowledge the prophethood of Jacob, known as "Yaqub" in Arabic.

The name "Israel" is associated with the esteemed prophet Yaqub, the father of the children of Israel.
Yaqub is honored as a descendant of the prophets, with his lineage tracing back to Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son Prophet Ishaq (Isaac), peace be upon them all.

However, the actions carried out under the banner of the state of Israel transgress the bounds of basic human decency.
The people of Palestinian territories are enduring displacement, expulsion, and dehumanization at the hands of the Israeli state for the past decades. This is a deeply reprehensible situation, driven by racism, and it must be brought to an end.

The actions carried out under the banner of their father, Israel, tarnish the legacy and guidance he passed down.

The recent events in Palestinian territories have once more revealed individuals with selective empathy, who seem indifferent to the decades-long brutal occupation of Palestinian lands by the oppressive Israeli regime.

The Quran mentions that God sent prophets and messengers among the Children of Israel to guide them. Notable figures like Moses (Musa), Aaron (Harun), David (Dawud), Solomon (Sulaiman), and many others are mentioned as prophets from among the Children of Israel.

The story of Yaqub, as mentioned in the Quran, serves as a testament to the virtues of patience and unwavering trust in God's wisdom and plan. Despite the hardships and losses he faced, Yaqub displayed steadfast patience and unwavering faith, believing that God's plan would eventually become clear.
The Quran dedicates a chapter to the Children of Israel. Within it, there is a reference that the Children of Israel would commit wrongdoing on the earth twice.

"And We warned the Children of Israel in the Scripture, “You will certainly cause corruption in the land twice, and you will become extremely arrogant." - Quran 17:4.

It is a history in which such arrogance has faced its share of consequences. There are strong reasons to believe that what we observe today is a repetition of this arrogance, thus warranting both caution and a firm warning, as well as offering hope to the oppressed.

"If you act rightly, it is for your own good, but if you do wrong, it is to your own loss. And when the second warning would come to pass, your enemies would ˹be left to˺ totally disgrace you and enter that place of worship as they entered it the first time, and utterly destroy whatever would fall into their hands." - Quran 17:7.

The Quran recounts the narratives of previous generations, with the story of the Children of Israel being one of the prominent ​stories. It's crucial to emphasize that, for those who adhere to the Quran, the message is to extract lessons from these stories and avoid finding themselves in a similar situation.

Abu Abdul Mannaan

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Who 'Created' God ?

May the peace and blessings of Almighty God be upon you

Many a times we heard this question "Who 'created' God" from both atheists and agnostics.

The most fundamental and a single sentence answer is -

Almighty God does NOT posses an attribute/property of 'Being Created'.

In our daily life we deal with measurements such as KM (Kilo Meters) and KG (Kilo Grams).

- We know that there are 1000 meters in 1 Kilo Meter.
- We know that there are 1000 grams in 1 Kilo Gram.

But, how about this -

How many Meters are there in 1 Kilo Gram ?

Clearly, a human being knows that it doesn't make sense to inquire how many meters are there in 1 Kilo Gram because -

• The measurement named Kilo Meter does NOT posses an attribute/property named Gram.

Whatever we see in this world is created. So it is quite natural for a man to ask this question "Who 'created' God". 

How Come The Question "Who 'Created' God" ? 

Suppose a person who ONLY knows KM (Kilo Meter) as the only measurement unit.

- He will try to measure a person's age by the means of Kilo Meters!
- He will try to measure a commodity's weight by the means of Kilo Meters!

In the same manner, we humans ONLY know things that are created by someone. Hence he reasonably asks the question who 'Created' God? 

Man presumes that if everything is created then Almighty God should also be 'created'. This is the point at which he fails to understand Who Is God.

 Before asking the question 'How many Meters are there in 1 Kilo Gram' he should know what does it meant by a Meter and what does it meant by a Kilo Gram. 

 Before asking the question 'Who 'created' God' he should know 'Who Is God'. 

Here comes the need for the true knowledge on the Attributes of Almighty God.

Glorious Quran on The Attributes of Almighty God

Glorious Quran which confirms all the previous scriptures, clearly explains the most important attributes of Almighty God.

"He is The First and The LastThe Ascendant and The Intimate, and He is, of all things, Knowing." Quran 57:3.

When someone asks this question "Who 'created' God', the Glorious Quran says -

• Almighty God exists from the eternal, He is The First.
 Almighty God will exist without an end, He is The Last.

"He is The First, before everything without any boundary. He is The Last, after everything (cease to exist), without an end" - Imam Tabari.

Not a Father & Not a Son

The Glorious Quran teaches that it is not befitting for Almighty God to have a father or to have a son.

"Say: He is Allah, One. Allah, The Eternal Refuge. He begets not (he is not a father), nor was He begotten (he is not a son). And there is none comparable to Him." Quran 112:1-4

• Almighty God is The Complete One in all aspects.
• Almighty God is NOT dependent on anything but anything is dependent upon Him.
• Almighty God is NOT a father of anyone among His creations.
• Almighty God does NOT have a son from anyone among His creations.
• Almighty God is NOT comparable to anything.

Can God Create a Stone which He Cannot Lift?

If Almighty God is all-powerful then can He create a stone which He cannot lift? This is another question from the above mentioned two parties.

We, humans have limitations. We have limitations in the span of life, limitation in our wisdom, physical ability etc etc. Here, the limitation becomes the attribute of a human.

Question: Can Almighty God create something? 

Answer: He is capable of creating anything He wants.

Question: Can God create a stone which He cannot lift ? 

Answer: "Cannot lift" is an attribute of a human. "Capable of creating anything" is an attribute of Almighty God. 

This question is trying to compare the "Capable Of Anything" attribute of Almighty God with the "Cannot Lift" attribute of a human. Just like when someone try to measure how many Meters are there in 1 KG, this question is trying to compare two incompatible attributes.

To all such guys, here is a question – 

• What is 5 KG (Kilo Gram) minus 2 KM (Kilo Meter) ? 

Humans Have Limitations

Just like humans are incapable estimating the rational numbers between zero and one, he is far more incapable of estimating the height & breadth of the attributes of Almighty God.

- Man is incapable of fully counting the rational numbers between 0 and 1.
- Man is incapable of fully measuring the radius of this ever expanding Universe.

"They encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills." - Quran 2:255.


Friday, April 19, 2013

Italian Marines, Just Another Excuse

May the peace and blessings of Almighty God be upon you

"This injustice destroyed those before you that when any one of high rank committed theft among them, they spared him, and when any weak one among them committed theft, they inflicted the prescribed punishment upon him." - Mohammad The Messenger of God.

Fourteen centuries ago, there established a brilliant sense of justice that this 21st century is in bare need. We live in a world where Murderers & Killers are still roaming about by sparing the money of tax payers. They don't get the punishment that they really deserve. Most of the time they get a cosy life even behind the bars.

 A Murderer who spared an innocent life gets body guards to guard his life! 

 A Murderer who killed the bread-winner of a family gets Biriyani in Jail.

 A Murderer is given the so called parole to kill more and more. 

And shamelessness has got another name.

The Italian marines who took the lives of Indian fishermen are yet to be punished. The Indian politicians got another 'prey' to their fry-pan and they did their best to make this case a well tangled diplomatic mess. 

The Indian political leadership set the stage for making the marines, just another excuse to the Indian penal code. This excuse is quite evident from the public statement of the Foreign minister who announced that the marines will not be subjected to the death penalty.

Italy did a remarkable effort to get their citizens  out of this criminal charge and they are yet to succeed. 

The Dilemma

The dilemma is yet come. The fishermen family became ready to withdraw all the legal proceedings against the marines, under a compensation deal. But the man-made law doesn't permit it!

"We have settled the compensation case and signed the agreement to withdraw the [civil] cases with the consent of the High Court of Kerala" - BBC News.


"It is not clear if the murder charges against the marines will be dropped." BBC News.

Even though both parties agreed to reach at an agreement and to finish off this case, the man-made laws don't let it close. Till this point of time, the legal proceedings of this case continues to waste valuable national resources in terms of continuing the legal proceedings, securing the lives  and feeding of the marines etc etc, all the the expense of the tax payer.

Here comes the importance of The Law of Equality of Glorious Quran. It puts before this mankind a simple and perfectly balanced equality of justice in case of a murder.

The Law of Equality

The law of equality has two options -

A. The killer should be killed. Or
B. The murderer can be forgiven if the relatives of the killed decide so.
   • The killer should pay the compensation.
    It should be a decent compensation deal.
   • Close the chapter.

On both sides, Quran puts perfect options. There is no scope for prolonging the case by wasting time, money & effort. 

 Either kill the killer or forgive him (by the relatives of the killed) and close the chapter.

A. The Killer Should be Killed

"O you who believe! Al-Qisas (The Law of Equality) is prescribed for you in case of murder: the free for the free, the slave for the slave, and the female for the female.- Quran 2:178. 

This directive of Glorious Quran came at a time in which - 

- When an elite person kills a poor person, the rich person only needs to pay a namesake compensation. 

- When a poor person kills an elite person, the poor person will be killed.

Glorious Quran stands firmly on the part of the justice that the killer has not right to live because he took the life of another one.

B. The Murderer Can Be Forgiven If The Relatives of The Killed Decide So

The door of forgiveness is open, not closed.

"But if the killer is forgiven by the brother (or the relatives) of the killed (against blood  money), then it should be sought in a good manner, and paid to him respectfully.- Quran 2:178. 

 "When the relative agrees to take the blood money, he should collect his rightful dues with kindness." - Ibn Kathir.

 "The killer should accept the terms of settlement without causing further harm or resisting the payment." - 
Ibn Kathir.

Close The Chapter

"This is an alleviation and a mercy from your Lord. So after this, whoever transgresses the limits (i.e. kills the killer after taking the blood money), he shall have a painful torment." - Quran 2:178.

• The chapter should be closed forever and should never be reopened.

The Most Democratic Solution

Glorious Quran has brought the most democratic way of solving one of the worst crime of the mankind. It puts the people ( i.e. the relatives of the killed) as the judge and they will decide whether the murderer should be executed or be forgiven. It continues - 

"And do not kill anyone whose killing Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause. And whoever is killed wrongfully (not by mistake), We have given his heir the authority. But let him not exceed limits in the matter of taking life. Verily, he is helped." - Quran 17:33

"The authority is over the killer. The heir has the choice;

• If he wishes, he may have him killed in retaliation, or

• He may forgive him in return for the payment of the blood money, or

• He may forgive him with no payment, as is reported in the sayings of prophet Mohammad." - Ibn Kathir.

A responsible judge should investigate and confirm the case and the punishment should be executed by the government of that country.

Utmost Sense of Justice

"By Him in Whose Hand is my life, even if Fatima daughter of Muhammad were to commit theft, I would have cut off her hand."- Mohammad The Messenger of God.

- Being the daughter of the messenger and the head of the state, is not an excuse to escape from the punishment.

This was the sense of justice that Mohammad The Messenger of God has left for this world. And this is exactly what the kind of justice for which this world yearning for.


Friday, March 8, 2013

Distorted Shape Inside The 'Original Shape'

May the peace and blessings of Almighty God be upon you.

Consider a scenario in which the tail of an elephant is cut, fitted it to a monkey and the public is attracted by the deception that there is an elephant sitting on a tree

• Here the public viewers of this scene are not fools themselves but they are dumped to believe that there are elephants that can climb upon a tree and can sit on the branches of a tree!

• Here the public viewers of this scene are not fools themselves but they are dumped to believe that there are trees that can host elephants on its branches!

Such is the case of the movie named 'Vishwaroopam'. The movie has cut a couple of symbols of Islam and fitted it to what they call, terrorism. 

People who cannot be dumped by this kind of act can easily identify that the one who is sitting on the tree is actually a monkey fitted with the tail of an elephant. 

But people who are dumped by this act is deceived to believe that the one who is sitting on the tree is actually an elephant.

The makers of this kind of depiction argue that they are showing how a monkey misuses the tail of an elephant. But in fact, they are dumping the image of an elephant sitting on a tree by the means of its tail.

The makers of this film argue that they are showing how Islam is misused by terrorists. But in fact, the film is dumping a distorted view of Islam by the means of context stripping.

• Not a single alphabet in Tamil Language has two dots on it and yet, the depiction of the name of this film has more than two such letters on it! 

• On the other hand, the Arabic language has more than two such alphabets that have two dots on it. The font used for the title depicts its title look like an Arabic word.

From the depiction of the very name of this film, there is a concerted effort to distort the teachings of Islam. A film that is taken in the name of the so called War-On-Terror is literally painting a terrible picture of some of the most holly signs of Islam.

Deception - 1

Background of a Mosque & Execution of a Man

In one of the scene, it shows the minaret of a Mosque followed by the hanging of a man by a group of people such as terrorists, well within premises of a Mosque and by chanting a Quranic verse. 

• The scene is inducing a notion into the mindset of audience that the Mosque has some 'role' in it and that the Quranic verse calls for it!.

Suppose an Australian film maker depicts the killing of Graham Staines, within the premises of Supreme Court of India by chanting its motto.

A person having a reasonable understanding of the case clearly knows how Mr. Graham Staines and family were brutally burned to death by some extremists elements. 

• The mass majority of Australians who don't know for what the court stands for and who don't know the meaning of its motto, might conclude that Supreme Court Of India supports such activities and its motto calls for it! What a shame.

Here the film depicts the hanging of a man within the premises of a Mosque. A person having a reasonable understanding about a Mosque and the Quranic verse, will have a clear picture on for what a Mosque stands for and what the Quranic verse says. 

• The mass majority of the spectators who don't know the for what a Mosque stands for and who don't know the context and the meaning of the Quranic verse, might conclude that a Mosque supports such activities and the Quranic verse calls for it!

A Mosque primarily stands for The Worship of The Creator, without any man made materials. A Mosque servers as a resort for comforting the problems of people within its reach.

"In houses (Mosques) which Allah has ordered to be raised, in them His Name is remembered. Therein glorify Him in the mornings and in the evenings." - Quran 24:36

Supreme Court of India stands for the Justice of People of India.

"Yatho dharma statho jaya.

This is the motto that India's supreme authority for justice has carved on its emblem. It means "Where there is righteousness, there is victory". 

Any depiction of either the two should depict for what they really stands for. It should NOT be depicted by the way of someone who misuses it. 

• A person who doesn't know the use of these entities, will treat its misuse as its use!

Deception - 2

What if the Australian film maker depicts Mr. Dara Singh chanting the caption of Supreme Court Of India, during when he burned Mr Graham Staines  and family ? Is this what we call freedom of expression ?

Suppose the Australian movie director depicts Dara Singh who chants "Yatho dharma statho jaya." and burns Mr Graham Staines and his family!

• What conclusion, an Australian gets from these kind of distortion ?

Now, coming to what this Movie has done with the Quranic verse 3:182The movie has depicted terrorists reciting the verses such as the following, before executing any terror strike. 

"<cut cutThis is because of that which your hands have sent before you ... <cut cut>" - Quran 3:182

The movie has done three kinds of distortions with the above Quranic verse.

A. The verse is distorted by 'meaningfully' cutting its Left

The verse that is 'meaningfully' cut left is given below.

"Indeed, Allah has heard the statement of those who say: "Truly, Allah is poor and we are rich!'' We shall record what they have said and their killing of the Prophets unjustly, and  We shall say: "Taste torment of the burning (Fire). " Quran 3:181

In this verse, Almighty God is severely condemning the wicked and cowardice actions of The Children Of Israel.  The Jewish people during the time of prophet Mohammed, expressed their contempt by saying that Almighty God is poor(!). 

It has been the stubborn nature of the The Children Of Israel that they used to ridicule the  messengers of Almighty God. They even killed His messengers unjustly.  

Because of these kinds of acts, those people will be put in the Hell fire in the Hereafter and Almighty God will then say to them - "Taste torment of the burning (Fire)."

Those people will be put into the Hell fire because of what they did with their hands (such as killing of prophet of God). That's what the following verse says -

"This is because of that which your hands have sent before you. ..." - Quran 3:182

• The verse that Almighty God will speak to the dwellers of Hell fire in the Hereafter, is represented by this movie as what a terrorist say, before he executes an attack in this world!

• The verse really represents an incident that is going to come on The Day of Resurrection. But the movie misrepresents this verse as that of the chant of a terrorist in this world!

B.  The verse is recited by completely cutting its Right

"This is because of that which your hands have sent before you. And certainly, Allah is never unjust to (His) servants." - Quran 3:182

The second sentence is the completely right cut part of the verse. It says Almighty God is never unjust to His servants, in any manner. 

• The movie has represented the context stripped and partially cut part of the verse so as to create a feeling that the verse calls for the executions that is being carried out by  terrorists!

In fact, the verse connotes that Almighty God will punish the sinners and will reward the good people. 

- If a man is punished by Almighty God in the hereafter then it is because of what all bad things he did in this world.

- If a man is rewarded by Almighty God in the hereafter then it is because of what all good things he have done in this world.

C. The Quranic verse is completely taken out of the context.

When a Judge from Supreme Court of India chants its motto "Where there is righteousness, there is victory" during the execution of a criminal, it is meaningful.

• When a person like Dara Singh chants the motto of Supreme Court of India during when he physically burns and kills persons such as Graham Staines, what does it mean ?

The movie has done the same thing with the meaning and the context of the above Quranic verse 3:182.

Deception - 3

Misuse of a great saying 'Allahu Akbar' i.e. Almighty God is Great

Previously we saw how a great saying 'Maa Shaa Allah' was misused by the killers of a political figure. Here again, another great saying 'Allahu Akbar' is misused by this movie.

Suppose the Australian film maker depicts Dara Singh in one of his phone call. Dara Singh is shown to have saying "Satyameva Jayate" i.e. "Truth Alone Triumphs" before and after making a phone call. 

• An Australian who doesn't know the meaning of 'Satyameva Jayate' concludes that it is a chanting used by criminals before they execute their mission! What a shame.

The movie has depicted the terrorists saying the saying 'Allaahu Akbar' before and after they make a telephone call. 

• Any person who doesn't know the meaning of 'Allahu Akbar' concludes that it is a chanting used by terrorists before they execute their mission! What a shame.

India has imprinted the saying "Satyameva Jayatein its National Emblem; it has its meaning and actions. Islam has imprinted many sayings such as "Allaahu Akbar" in its belief and practice; it has its meaning and actions.

Five times a day, the call to prayer from Mosques begin with 'Allaahu Akbar'. 
- Five times a day, a believer starts his Namaz with  'Allaahu Akbar'.
- Throughout the Namaz, a believer says 'Allaahu Akbar'.
- During the days of two Eids (festivals), a believer says 'Allaahu Akbar'.
- Whenever a believer is wondered by the Signs of Almighty God, he says 'Allaahu Akbar'.

The saying 'Allaahu Akbar' i.e. 'Almighty God is Great' is for Glorifying the Creator of the Universe. The saying has great impact between the Creator and His creations.

The meaning and actions of 'Allaahu Akbar' is broad. It has nothing to do with the actions of puny humans; it has great things to do between the Creator and His creation.

Among other things, there are many socio and political distortions done by this movie. This article has only done a little attempt to bring-out the scriptural distortions inside the movie. 
